
  • 999 Wilson Ave Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - Vallejo
    This location/person keeps being in more....and more....and more stuff to the side of the road. This is not a safe location for someone to be parking indefinitely especially while collecting more stuff to add an already very limited location
  • 2444 Sacramento St Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - Vallejo
    On the two lookouts is an abandoned truck now vultured for scraps. On the other lookout is a car with trash/dumped around it.
  • 999 Wilson Ave Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - Vallejo
    Blue truck with junk and dumping on side is back and is there again all the time. Other cars stop by and seem to be doing some business with her,... or they are her friends. Either way, not just an eye sore but this is not a safe place to permanently park for anyone. This is after people are coming off 37 and driving around the corner and emerging from under overpass. She was once moved or left but only after a very long time. Boulders had since been put up which keeps the truck even further toward the road. Dangerous.
  • Graffiti Archived
    829 Wilson Ave Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - Vallejo
    This has been reported now for many months. Enough time for the 30-day notice and then another 30-day notice etc etc. Time for the owner of the building to step up and paint and clean while making my long term plan decisions. Sorry that previous plans didn't work out how they wanted but it's time to step up and stop being a blight on a city. Since the neighborhood doesn't want a liquor store shop there (understandable!). then create a sandwich shop or a coffee shop or something else or sell. but in meantime, make it decent and free of graffiti. Code enforcement needed.
  • Dumping Open
    San Francisco Bay Trail Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - US Congressional District CA7
    seems this is not city property? what is this?
  • 2444 Sacramento St Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - Vallejo
    it's one thing to be homeless, it's another to be a full on dumping ground. (that is a tally caused by the person living there...not talking about outside dumpers). And why all these bikes piling up? I know the 9th circuit ruling means you must have a place for the unhoused before moving them, but are there zero standards for what can pile up? no legal violations? if you don't have a placement location, then in the meantime, the city needs to keep things clean and safe, even in the encampments, until placement is found.
  • 3729 Sonoma Blvd Vallejo, CA 94589, USA - Vallejo
    Reported this 6 weeks ago before the rainstorms concerning health hazards/trash run off into white slough. As you can see from the satellite image, the project to build a run off trash collecting facility was underway and was completed awhile back. The intention obviously was to stop trash and oil runoff from 29 and areas around there. The whole purpose and high expense of that project is moot if right behind it there are people living there leave trash, human waste, etc, God knows what else all along the banks of the waterway which will obviously get flushed into White Slough. Which must have already happened with the recent rain. This is obviously a hazard for both human and wildlife and needs immediate attention.
  • 2701 Georgia St Vallejo, CA 94591, USA - Vallejo
    So much trash dumped here right at the entrance of 80 at Georgia and Steffan.
  • 3737 Sonoma Blvd Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - Vallejo
    This is disgusting. Garbage, feces, rags just polluting this whole water way area. People are out of it, mentally ill or on drugs. This is the rain water outflow area and so all this will be washed into white slough and into the Napa River and Vallejo water front. And this is just what we can see! just wait until the first big rain and all this toxic crap is going to go into the rest of the water ways.
    Get on this for public and wildlife safety.
  • 460 Redwood St Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - Vallejo
    Homeless encampments growing fast on waters edge. Soon will surround all of Water edge of White Slough Preserve. This is very unsanitary. why not use the fairgrounds for temporary relocation. The community would benefit from white slough more than empty fairgrounds and homeless could have place with bathrooms etc at fairgrounds .
  • 728 Marine World Pkwy Vallejo, CA 94589, USA - Vallejo
    More dumping.Time for cameras and big bold signs at this location. Jerks constantly dumping here.
  • 383 Lighthouse Dr Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - Vallejo

    a car, trash and mattresses. mattresses also across the way and down the street.

    it is a constant dumping ground. Time for cameras and signs noting expensive signs.

  • 490 Redwood St Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - Vallejo
    Trash, debris, shopping cart, etc. Wildlife swimming and flock of ducks in this disgusting muck. isn't this part of the Slough Preserve? Regardless, a clean up is needed.
  • 383 Lighthouse Dr Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - Vallejo
    Burnt out car
  • 2444 Sacramento St Vallejo, CA 94590, USA - Vallejo
    This is now growing out to the overlook areas. Isn't this Slough Wildlife Reserve?