
  • Noise from recycling / dumpsters تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    309 South Wilmington Street (Approx) Raleigh, North Carolina - Central

    There is a consistent problem with recycling and garbage pickup during quiet hours (after 10 and before 7). I have happened to follow some in my car, which are city owned trucks, after 10 pm. I have also woken up to the sound of bottles being dumped at all hours, most often between 5-6 am. I have called the non-emergency line 3 times now, and I'm not sure if it helps or not, since I wait about 10 minutes to see if it will stop before calling, so never sure if they just have moved on or actually been addressed by police. Regardless, it doesn't seem to be stopping them. Are tickets being issued? Is there a way to have you all formally speak to all of the garbage pickup crews (privately owned or not) to clarify that they shouldn't be doing this? I'm exhausted b/c I rarely get a full night's sleep in.

    Thank you!