• 944 Kentucky St Vallejo, CA, 94590, USA - Vallejo
    Red isuzu trooper
  • 1117 El Dorado Vallejo, CA - Vallejo
    There is a black Ford explorer that has been in the same spot for the last three weeks. The police have been called on them for breaking into the empty house they are parked in front of. Nothing has happened. The car does not run. The radiator is in the front driver seat. They are also doing drugs and selling in front of the house they have a friend in next door to 1117 el Dorado. They are a menace. They are deficating in peoples yards, dumping trash every where, screaming at each other all times of day, and making people nervous. The city has not done anything with them when they have been in the neighborhood for months causing issues.
  • Illegal Dumping Archiviert
    944 Kentucky Street Vallejo, California - Vallejo
    someone dumped a Christmas tree Wednesday night in front of my house.