
  • Other - City Issues Inilagay sa Artsibo
    37 Cherry St Somerville, MA 02144, USA - Somerville
    You pulled out the dead tree trunk planted with pretty flowers and replaced it with ugly asphalt - not even flat concrete. This makes me sad.
  • Tree Trimming Inilagay sa Artsibo
    37 Cherry Street Somerville, MA 02144, USA - Somerville
    Large oak tree split in storm, blocking sidewalk and parking.
  • Littering and trespassing Inilagay sa Artsibo
    38 Cherry Street Somerville, MA 02144, USA - Somerville
    Globe Direct keeps throwing this trash on my porch. I've called and written many times but they won't stop. Can the Somerville PD please pursue them for littering and trespassing?
  • 318-324 Summer Street Somerville, MA 02144, USA - Somerville
    Traffic light burnt out; yellow on summer at facing Davis sq.
  • Eternally broken escalator Inilagay sa Artsibo
    Porter Square - North Cambridge
    Right escalator at Porter is never functional for more than a week before getting stripped and rebuilt. I know it's no surprise that the MBTA can't keep anything running, but is someone getting rich off of constantly fixing it with sawdust or something? Seems like it's time to call a different contractor.
  • Sidewalk Repair Inilagay sa Artsibo
    207-209 Elm Street Somerville, MA 02144, USA - Somerville
    Displaced manhole cover and plate is a hazard.
  • Trash- Missed Pickup Inilagay sa Artsibo
    36 Cherry Street Somerville, MA 02144, USA - Somerville
    We have a large black wheeled trash bin that we previously purchased as a large recycling bin prior to single-stream recycling. I removed the green recycling stickers so it now looks like every other black wheeled trash bin but the collectors will not consistently take it. Do I need to label it somehow?